Children's Ministries
Sunday Ministry:
- Sunday School begins at 9 a.m. We have classes from Kindergarten-5th grade which are tailored for your child's age to give them an appropriate learning setting. Children build on the basic truths of the Bible through foundational Bible stories.
- Children's Church begins at 10 a.m. Our children in Kindergarten-5th grade meet together to learn God's Word in an engaging and enjoyable way. Kids have snacks, music, Bible study, reinforcement activities, and lots of fun each week as they learn who God is and how to live a life pleasing to Him.
- Nursery is also available from 9:00-11:00 for ages birth to 4 years old.
Wednesday Ministry:
- Truth Trackers- free dinner at 5:30; Truth Trackers is from 6-7:20 p.m.
Ready, set, go! Children participate as runners in the race of life for Christ and learn the truth's of God from His Word. Children begin in one large welcoming group together as we introduce the truth we will be exploring that night. Then we split into girl and boy groups as we dive into God's Word and discuss the application of that truth. Kids have a "runner" on a track that moves around the track by memorizing Bible verses, bringing their Bible to church, and inviting friends to join them.
Special Events:
Fun times coming your way. Our 1st quarter activities will be posted soon.